Notice of
Privacy practices
Chapman Global Medical Center and the individual health care providers who provide services at the Hospital are together sometimes referred to collectively as “we” or “us” in this Notice. While CGMC and health professionals engage in many joint activities and provide services in a clinically integrated care setting, the Hospital and health professionals are separate legal entities and separately responsible for complying with this Notice and applicable law. This Notice applies to services furnished to you at CGMC as a Hospital inpatient or outpatient or any other services provided to you in a Hospital-affiliated program involving the use or disclosure of your medical information (known as “protected health information” or “PHI”). Your doctors and other health care providers may have different practices or notices about the use and disclosure of your PHI in their own offices or clinics.
Chapman Global Medical Center will make available a current Notice of Privacy Practices to each individual that presents at CGMC for healthcare services. The Notice describes how CGMC uses and shares patient personal health information.
Please click on the icon below to view Chapman Global Medical Center Notice of Privacy Practices.
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